Introduction pour tout le monde
Dessein et vocabulaire pour l’histoire, Shark in the Park : ( coloring )
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Sharks are so awesome video
Sharks are a type of fish. They breathe underwater. They live in every ocean in the world. They prefer warm water. They can be very large or very small : the size of your hand. The largest shark is the whale shark which is 15 m long and the fiercest shark is the great white shark.
There are at least 350 species of shark. They are mostly carnivorous and eat meat. Only 30 species of shark have attacked people. There are not many shark attacks. People kill lots of sharks when they go fishing.
Sharks don’t have predators. Only people and other sharks eat shark meat. Meat eating sharks eat fish, dolphins, seals and penguins. Only the very big sharks eat dolphins. Sharks swallow their prey whole.
A shark’s skin is very thick. Sharks don’t have bones. They have cartilage. Our ears are made of cartilage. Sharks rest but they don’t really sleep. Because cartilage is lighter than bones, sharks can float easily.
The meat eating sharks have a maximum of 3000 sharp teeth in up to 6 rows of teeth. The teeth are replaced when they are lost. A shark’s bite is 4 times stronger than a lion’s.
Did you know that the whale shark, which is the largest shark, is gentle. It doesn’t have sharp teeth and it only eats very little fish and plankton. They are not dangerous. People can swim with them.
Vocabulary :
Shark : roquin
To breathe : respirer
Fiercest : le plus féroce
Kill : tuer
Seal : phoque
To swallow : avaler
Bones : des os
Lighter : plus léger
Float : flotter
Sharp : pointu
Row : rangée
Stronger : plus fort